Thursday Things

Hey! Sorry I’ve been a little MIA, just been a bit busy. But new recipes will resume soon, I promise :).

Anyways here’s some things I found on the interwebs that I found interesting that you might too.

  • 10 Minute Plank Routine – If working your abs bores you or you don’t have a lot of time on your hands, this 10 minute burning plank routine will do the trick. Planks are awesome and work everything, your core, shoulders, chest and quads. And that’s just from holding a basic plank. A few tweaks and you’ll be working your butt, hamstrings and obliques. 
  • Healthier Ice Cream Recipes – With summer approaching and the temperatures getting higher and higher, there is nothing better than a bowl of ice cream. And when you find yourself reaching for the store-bought varieties, take a second and look at the ingredients. A good rule of thumb is that if you find one ingredient you can’t pronounce or you don’t know what it is, put it back. Why put something in your body when you don’t know what your consuming. Not only are these ice cream recipes healthier they’re made with things you know and can pronounce. Some do require an ice cream maker but others don’t need it. I’m going to hang on to this for future reference!
  • Protein Packed Breakfasts – I’ve talked about how important breakfast is before (take a look here) but it truly is important to start your day off with a healthy breakfast. It just sets your day off on the right foot. For some people it’s hard to make time to make breakfast. You have kids to get ready for school, you overslept and you’re late for work or you just don’t have time. However a lot of these recipes can be made the night before and all you have to do is grab and go. There’s quite a bit of yummy looking smoothies you can blend together the night before, or make a batch of pancakes and reheat them when you get to work. 
Hope you enjoy your day!